Our Membership Offers
Below is a detailed price breakdown
18/19 Years of Age: €275
20 Years of Age: €308
21 Years of Age: €429
22 To 25 Years of Age: €550
26 Years of Age: €666
27 Years of Age: €781
28 Years of Age: €897
29 Years of Age: €1,012
Annual Sub: €1,073
Entrance Fee: €2,000
Golf Ireland: €28
Insurance: €25
Bar Levy: €70
Below is a detailed price breakdown
Annual Sub: €633
Entrance Fee: €1,200
Golf Ireland: €28
Insurance: €25
Bar Levy: €70
Annual Subscription €1,073, Development Fee €2,000
Golf Ireland, Bar Levy, Golfer's Insurance €123
Total €3,196
Annual Subscription €633, Development Fee €1,200
Golf Ireland, Bar Levy, Golfer's Insurance €123
Total €1,956
18/19 Years of age €275 — 20 Years of age €308
21 Years of age €429 — 22 to 25 Years of age €550
26 Years of age €666 — 27 Years of age €781
28 Years of age €897 — 29 Years of age €1,012
Golf Ireland & Golfer's Insurance €53